Fast and furious storm hammers mid-Michigan

A semi-trailer lies on its side on U.S. 127 near Rosebush Wednesday afternoon, just one of many vehicles that slid off snow-covered roads as an intense storm hit central Michigan.
At least 6 inches of snow fell on Mt. Pleasant between noon and 5 p.m., and the snowstorm continued into the evening.
Forecasters were calling for as much as a foot of snow in some places.

Isabella County Road Commission Manager Tony Casali said the snow was falling so hard and so fast that plows couldn't keep up with it. The winter has put a severe strain on local government budget. Casali said the road commission already has used four-fifths of its winter budget with at least six more weeks of winter to go.
Lake Isabella Village Manager Tim Wolff said his village already is 13 percent over its winter budget for plowing, salting and sand.

Numerous reports from drivers indicated white-out conditions at many locations across mid-Michigan. A Mount Pleasant school bus was reported to have slid into off the road during a turnaround maneuver. No injuries were reported, and dispatchers sent a second bus to get the children home.
Isabella County Undersheriff John Vinson said two extra deputies have been called in because of treacherous road conditions. State police Lt. Christopher Stolicker, commander of the Mt. Pleasant post, said the shift supervisor is monitoring the weather and number of accidents, and will call in extra troopers if warranted.
(Morning Sun Photos by Ryan Evon)
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