When normal is news

Farmer Bob Murphy says about half his corn crop is planted this year.
Week one, Journalism 202, Introduction to Writing for the Mass Media:
Q. What makes something news?
A. When it's unusual or out of the ordinary.
Well, the weather in mid-Michigan has been entirely normal, entirely average for the last month. Farmers have been planting crops on time, gardeners have been putting in flowers, it's been raining, but not too hard, at the right times, and staying dry at the right times so work can be done. The pests are there, but they're staying in check.
In most other years, we're writing about how the spring is too cold, or too hot, or too wet, or too dry, or the pests are about to munch on the soybeans.
It's not happening this year; everything's "normal."
That's really unusual.
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